Dari Bilingual English Class - 22637VIC Course in EAL (Access)

This class is designed to provide English language tuition to clients who have very low speaking and listening skills and who would benefit from having a teacher with bilingual English and Dari language skills.

  • Every Day expressions and begin to communicate

  • Comprehension and writing simple words and sentences

  • Understanding: Alphabets, Numbers, time, money

  • Start participating in the manual and supervised jobs

What will I learn?

This course will enable you to learn to:

  • Have a conversation in English
  • Read and write a range of everyday texts such as simple instructions, messages and stories
  • Use English to obtain goods and services

How will I learn?

The course will be offered in Mixed Mode Delivery

  • Classroom-based Learning, where the student attends AMES Campus’ with a Teacher/Trainer present
  •  Online Learning, where the student studies remotely off campus using training materials that are provided online or correspondence by the Teacher/Trainer
  • Use of AMES Smart phone Application to develop pronunciation and conversation skill

For more information visit AMES Australia online service standards.

  • Courses and Units

    22483VIC Course in EAL

    Nominal Hours

    VU22584 Develop language learning objectives with support*


    Speaking and Listening


    VU22585 Use beginning language learning strategies with support


    VU22586 Communicate basic personal details and needs


    VU22587 Give and respond to basic information and instructions


    Reading and Writing


    VU22588 Read and write short basic messages and forms


    VU22589 Read and write short, basic factual texts




    VU22352 Recognise numbers and money in simple, highly familiar situations


    VU22353 Recognise, give and follow simple and familiar directions


    VU22356 Recognise and locate simple numerical information in short, simple highly familiar texts


    Total course hours


What further education can I do after completing this course?


Based on interviews where your language level will be assessed. Applicants must be 18 years of age and above and reside in Victoria.

Course duration

Full-time six months (20 Hrs. / week), part-time one year (10 Hrs. /Week)

Course dates

New course starting 30 Jan 2024. Ongoing intake throughout the year.



The fee is determined by your eligibility for Government funding. To check your eligibility for a concession fee, contact AMES Australia.

Click here for more information on applicable fees.

How to Enrol

Enquire to find out:

  • course dates
  • your eligibility
  • cost
  • arrange a time to have your English level assessed

The course will be run subject to enrolment numbers.

Register Interest


This course can be taken under the Government Subsidised Funding Programs below: