AMES supports jobseeker with disabilities into work

14 March 2025

A jobseeker facing profound physical and personal challenges to gaining employment has been supported into work by the AMES Australia employment team in Melbourne.

Rami, a refugee with a nationality (stateless), had been on employment benefits since arriving in Australia in 2012.

After connecting with AMES he was referred to multiple jobs but, for a variety of reasons, had not been able to keep them.

The AMES team helped Rami, 37, move past barriers including health issues, language skills, limited formal education and a lack of communications skills.

Rami struggled to settle into a job even though he wanted to work. He often felt overwhelmed at work felt he didn’t fit it.

The AMES team found Rami a job in a cheese factory and provided him with counselling, often on a daily basis.

Rami was able to maintain his job and has since married and is expecting a child.

AMES Service Delivery Manager Mandy Ratcliffe said the AMES team had provided excellent post placement support to ensure Rami thrived in his job.

“I am so proud of the team for showing us all that ‘everyone’ can get a job and even if the journey has many bumps along the way, we must never ever give up trying for our clients and always adopt a ‘the whatever it takes’ attitude for them!” Mandy said.