Gender Equality Action Plan

AMES Gender Equality Action plan for 2022-2025 (the Action Plan) affirms our commitment to promoting workplace gender equality, driving progress in gender equality by reducing inequality and discrimination through promoting gender equality including increasing awareness of intersectionality in the community and within our own culturally diverse workforce and client base.


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The action plan was developed following the completion of a workplace gender audit and involved analysis of AMES strategies, frameworks, policies and procedures; and the People Matter Survey data against the workplace gender equality indicators and intersectional factors.
The Action Plan incorporates the organisations three Priorities, supporting Strategies and accompanying Actions to support our commitment to promote workplace gender equality in our workplace.
This is AMES first GEAP and builds on the organisation’s gender equality efforts over the last few years. This Plan formalises actions to drive long-term change, while guiding work that needs to be completed within the first three years. AMES will work to:

  • have a seamless and meaningful way to collect gender data insights to consolidate a solid evidence base to inform all our work;
  • continue to build on our workplace culture that promotes gender equality and respect, having a safe and inclusive working environment; and
  • tailor our policies, programs and services to integrate inclusive gender equality practices across the organisation.

AMES vision for gender equality

AMES vision for gender equality is for all employees to:

  • have access to and enjoy equal rights, responsibilities, opportunities, and rewards;
  • have a workplace that is safe and free from sexual harassment and discrimination; and
  • be treated with respect and fairness regardless of gender and background.

Download our Gender Equality Action Plan